// Afraid of Monsters: Director's Cut Script
// Weapon Script: MP5k
// Author: Zorbos

const float MP5K_MOD_DAMAGE = 17.0;
const float MP5K_MOD_FIRERATE = 0.055;

const float MP5K_MOD_DAMAGE_SURVIVAL = 13.0; // Reduce damage by 25% on Survival

enum Mp5Animation

const int MP5_DEFAULT_AMMO 	= 30;
const int MP5_MAX_AMMO		= 120;
const int MP5_MAX_AMMO2 	= -1;
const int MP5_MAX_CLIP 		= 30;
const int MP5_WEIGHT 		= 5;

class weapon_dcmp5k : ScriptBasePlayerWeaponEntity
	private CBasePlayer@ m_pPlayer = null;
	private CScheduledFunction@ m_pPostDropItemSched = null;
	private bool bSurvivalEnabled = g_EngineFuncs.CVarGetFloat("mp_survival_starton") == 1 && g_EngineFuncs.CVarGetFloat("mp_survival_supported") == 1;
	float m_flNextAnimTime;
	int m_iShell;
	int iShellModelIndex;
	void Spawn()
		g_EntityFuncs.SetModel( self, "models/AoMDC/weapons/mp5k/w_dcmp5k.mdl" );

		if(self.pev.targetname == "weapon_give")
			self.pev.spawnflags = 1024; // 1024 = Never respawn
		else if(self.pev.targetname == "weapon_dropped" || self.pev.targetname == "weapon_spawn")
			self.pev.spawnflags = 1280; // 1280 = USE Only + Never respawn
		if(self.pev.targetname == "weapon_dropped")
			self.m_iDefaultAmmo = self.m_iClip;
			self.m_iDefaultAmmo = MP5_DEFAULT_AMMO;

		self.m_iSecondaryAmmoType = 0;
		// Makes it slightly easier to pickup the gun
		g_EntityFuncs.SetSize(self.pev, Vector( -4, -4, -1 ), Vector( 4, 4, 1 ));

	void Precache()
		g_Game.PrecacheModel( "models/AoMDC/weapons/mp5k/v_dcmp5k.mdl" );
		g_Game.PrecacheModel( "models/AoMDC/weapons/mp5k/w_dcmp5k.mdl" );
		g_Game.PrecacheModel( "models/AoMDC/weapons/mp5k/p_dcmp5k.mdl" );

		m_iShell = g_Game.PrecacheModel( "models/shell.mdl" );             

		//These are played by the model, needs changing there
		g_SoundSystem.PrecacheSound( "AoMDC/weapons/mp5k/mp5k_boltback.wav" );
		g_SoundSystem.PrecacheSound( "AoMDC/weapons/mp5k/mp5k_boltforward.wav" );
		g_SoundSystem.PrecacheSound( "AoMDC/weapons/mp5k/mp5k_fire.wav" );
		g_SoundSystem.PrecacheSound( "AoMDC/weapons/mp5k/mp5k_magin.wav" );
		g_SoundSystem.PrecacheSound( "AoMDC/weapons/mp5k/mp5k_magout.wav" );

	bool GetItemInfo( ItemInfo& out info )
		info.iMaxAmmo1 	= MP5_MAX_AMMO;
		info.iMaxAmmo2 	= MP5_MAX_AMMO2;
		info.iMaxClip 	= MP5_MAX_CLIP;
		info.iSlot 		= 2;
		info.iPosition 	= 10;
		info.iFlags 	= 0;
		info.iWeight 	= MP5_WEIGHT;

		return true;

	bool AddToPlayer( CBasePlayer@ pPlayer )
		if( !BaseClass.AddToPlayer( pPlayer ) )
			return false;
		// Hack: Recreate the weapon at this exact location to get around the +USE functionality
		// only working on the first pickup whilst still preserving cross-map inventory
		if(self.pev.targetname == "weapon_spawn")
			string pOrigin = "" + self.pev.origin.x + " " +
								  self.pev.origin.y + " " +
			string pAngles = "" + self.pev.angles.x + " " +
								  self.pev.angles.y + " " +
			dictionary@ pValues = {{"origin", pOrigin}, {"angles", pAngles},{"spawnflags", "1024"}, {"targetname", "weapon_spawn"}};
			CBasePlayerWeapon@ pNew = cast<CBasePlayerWeapon>(g_EntityFuncs.CreateEntity(self.GetClassname(), @pValues, true));
		@m_pPlayer = pPlayer;
		self.pev.targetname = ""; // Reset the targetname as this weapon is no longer "dropped"
		self.pev.globalname = ""; // Reset the owner
		int m_iDuplicateClip = DeleteNearbyDuplicatesByOwner();
		if(m_iDuplicateClip >= 0)
			self.m_iClip = m_iDuplicateClip;
		// Can only have one weapon of this category at a time
		CBasePlayerItem@ pItem1 = pPlayer.HasNamedPlayerItem("weapon_dcuzi");
		CBasePlayerItem@ pItem2 = pPlayer.HasNamedPlayerItem("weapon_dcshotgun");
		if(pItem1 !is null) // Player has a weapon in this category already
			m_pPlayer.RemovePlayerItem(pItem1); // Remove the existing weapon first
			ThrowWeapon(cast<CBasePlayerWeapon@>(pItem1), true); // .. then spawn a new one
		if(pItem2 !is null) // Player has a weapon in this category already
			m_pPlayer.RemovePlayerItem(pItem2); // Remove the existing weapon first
			ThrowWeapon(cast<CBasePlayerWeapon@>(pItem2), true); // .. then spawn a new one
		NetworkMessage message( MSG_ONE, NetworkMessages::WeapPickup, pPlayer.edict() );
			message.WriteLong( self.m_iId );

		return true;
	// Finds nearby dropped weapons that this player owns and removes them
	// Prevents spam by collecting the weapon over and over.
	int DeleteNearbyDuplicatesByOwner()
		int m_iDuplicateClip;
		string m_iszOwnerId = g_EngineFuncs.GetPlayerAuthId(m_pPlayer.edict());
		CBaseEntity@ pStartEntity = null;
		 // Find nearby dropped weapons of the same classname as this one, owned by the same player who owns this one
		CBaseEntity@ pDuplicate = g_EntityFuncs.FindEntityInSphere(pStartEntity, self.pev.origin, 8192.0, m_iszOwnerId, "globalname");

		if(pDuplicate !is null && pDuplicate.GetClassname() == self.GetClassname())
			CBasePlayerWeapon@ pWeapon = cast<CBasePlayerWeapon@>(pDuplicate);
			m_iDuplicateClip = pWeapon.m_iClip; // Save the current clip to import into the next weapon

			return m_iDuplicateClip;
		return -1; // No duplicate weapons found
	void Holster( int skipLocal = 0 )
		m_pPlayer.m_flNextAttack = WeaponTimeBase() + 0.7f;
		BaseClass.Holster( skipLocal );
		if(m_pPostDropItemSched !is null)
		@m_pPostDropItemSched = g_Scheduler.SetTimeout(@this, "PostDropItem", 0.1);

	// Creates a new weapon of the given type and "throws" it forward
	void ThrowWeapon(CBasePlayerWeapon@ pWeapon, bool bWasSwapped)
		// Get player origin		
		string plrOrigin = "" + m_pPlayer.pev.origin.x + " " +
							    m_pPlayer.pev.origin.y + " " +
							    (m_pPlayer.pev.origin.z + 20.0);
		// Get player angles
		string plrAngleCompY;
		// Different weapons need to be thrown out at different angles so that they face the player.
		if(pWeapon.GetClassname() == "weapon_dcuzi")
			plrAngleCompY = m_pPlayer.pev.angles.y;
		else if(pWeapon.GetClassname() == "weapon_dcmp5k")
			plrAngleCompY = m_pPlayer.pev.angles.y + 90.0;
			plrAngleCompY = m_pPlayer.pev.angles.y + 145.0;
		string plrAngles = "" + m_pPlayer.pev.angles.x + " " +
							    plrAngleCompY + " " +
		// Spawnflags 1280 = USE Only + Never respawn
		dictionary@ pValues = {{"origin", plrOrigin}, {"angles", plrAngles}, {"targetname", "weapon_dropped"}, {"globalname", ""}};
			pValues["globalname"] = g_EngineFuncs.GetPlayerAuthId(m_pPlayer.edict()); // The owner's STEAMID
		// Create the new item and "throw" it forward
		CBasePlayerWeapon@ pNew = cast<CBasePlayerWeapon@>(g_EntityFuncs.CreateEntity(pWeapon.GetClassname(), @pValues, true));
		if(pWeapon.GetClassname() == self.GetClassname()) // We're dropping THIS weapon
			pNew.m_iClip = self.m_iClip; // Remember how many bullets are in the magazine
			m_pPlayer.m_rgAmmo(self.m_iPrimaryAmmoType, m_pPlayer.m_rgAmmo(self.m_iPrimaryAmmoType) * 2); // Stop ammo stacking
		else // We're dropping a different weapon. Preserve it's current magazine state
			pNew.m_iClip = pWeapon.m_iClip;
		pNew.pev.velocity = g_Engine.v_forward * 200 + g_Engine.v_up * 125;
	// Handles the case in which this weapon is thrown VOLUNTARILY by the player or the player dies
	void PostDropItem()
		CBaseEntity@ pWeaponbox = g_EntityFuncs.Instance(self.pev.owner); // The 'actual' thrown weapon
		if(pWeaponbox is null) // Failsafe(s)
		// Remove the 'actual' dropped weapon..
		CBasePlayerWeapon@ pWeapon = self;
		// Spawn a new copy and "throw" it forward
		ThrowWeapon(pWeapon, false);
	bool Deploy()
		return self.DefaultDeploy( self.GetV_Model( "models/AoMDC/weapons/mp5k/v_dcmp5k.mdl" ), self.GetP_Model( "models/AoMDC/weapons/mp5k/p_dcmp5k.mdl" ), MP5_DEPLOY, "mp5" );
	float WeaponTimeBase()
		return g_Engine.time; //g_WeaponFuncs.WeaponTimeBase();

	void PrimaryAttack()
		int m_iBulletDamage;
		// don't fire underwater
		if( m_pPlayer.pev.waterlevel == WATERLEVEL_HEAD )
			self.m_flNextPrimaryAttack = WeaponTimeBase();

		if( self.m_iClip <= 0 )
			self.m_flNextPrimaryAttack = WeaponTimeBase();

		m_pPlayer.m_iWeaponVolume = NORMAL_GUN_VOLUME;
		m_pPlayer.m_iWeaponFlash = NORMAL_GUN_FLASH;

		switch ( g_PlayerFuncs.SharedRandomLong( m_pPlayer.random_seed, 0, 2 ) )
		case 0: self.SendWeaponAnim( MP5_FIRE1, 0, 0 ); break;
		case 1: self.SendWeaponAnim( MP5_FIRE2, 0, 0 ); break;
		case 2: self.SendWeaponAnim( MP5_FIRE3, 0, 0 ); break;
		g_SoundSystem.EmitSoundDyn( m_pPlayer.edict(), CHAN_WEAPON, "AoMDC/weapons/mp5k/mp5k_fire.wav", 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, 95 + Math.RandomLong( 0, 10 ) );

		// player "shoot" animation
		m_pPlayer.SetAnimation( PLAYER_ATTACK1 );

		Vector vecSrc	 = m_pPlayer.GetGunPosition();
		Vector vecAiming = m_pPlayer.GetAutoaimVector( AUTOAIM_2DEGREES );
		// optimized multiplayer. Widened to make it easier to hit a moving player
			m_iBulletDamage = MP5K_MOD_DAMAGE_SURVIVAL;
			m_iBulletDamage = MP5K_MOD_DAMAGE;
		m_pPlayer.FireBullets( 1, vecSrc, vecAiming, VECTOR_CONE_4DEGREES, 8192, BULLET_PLAYER_CUSTOMDAMAGE, 2, m_iBulletDamage );
		//m_pPlayer.pev.punchangle.x = Math.RandomLong( -2, 2 );

		self.m_flNextPrimaryAttack = self.m_flNextPrimaryAttack + MP5K_MOD_FIRERATE;
		if( self.m_flNextPrimaryAttack < WeaponTimeBase() )
			self.m_flNextPrimaryAttack = WeaponTimeBase() + MP5K_MOD_FIRERATE;

		self.m_flTimeWeaponIdle = WeaponTimeBase() + g_PlayerFuncs.SharedRandomFloat( m_pPlayer.random_seed,  10, 15 );
		TraceResult tr;
		float x, y;
		g_Utility.GetCircularGaussianSpread( x, y );
		Vector vecDir = vecAiming 
						+ x * VECTOR_CONE_4DEGREES.x * g_Engine.v_right 
						+ y * VECTOR_CONE_4DEGREES.y * g_Engine.v_up;

		Vector vecEnd	= vecSrc + vecDir * 4096;

		g_Utility.TraceLine( vecSrc, vecEnd, dont_ignore_monsters, m_pPlayer.edict(), tr );
		NetworkMessage mFlash(MSG_BROADCAST, NetworkMessages::SVC_TEMPENTITY);
			mFlash.WriteByte(14); // Radius
			mFlash.WriteByte(255); // R
			mFlash.WriteByte(255); // G
			mFlash.WriteByte(204); // B
			mFlash.WriteByte(1); // Lifetime
			mFlash.WriteByte(1); // Decay
		if( tr.flFraction < 1.0 )
			if( tr.pHit !is null )
				CBaseEntity@ pHit = g_EntityFuncs.Instance( tr.pHit );
				if( pHit is null || pHit.IsBSPModel() == true )
					g_WeaponFuncs.DecalGunshot( tr, BULLET_PLAYER_9MM );
		iShellModelIndex = g_EngineFuncs.ModelIndex("models/shell.mdl");
		Vector brassOrigin = m_pPlayer.GetGunPosition() + g_Engine.v_forward * 22.0 +
							 g_Engine.v_up * -3.0 +
							 g_Engine.v_right * 10.0;
		Vector brassDir = g_Engine.v_right * Math.RandomFloat(75.0, 150.0) + 
						  g_Engine.v_up * Math.RandomFloat(10.0, 40.0) + 
						  g_Engine.v_forward * Math.RandomFloat(-35.0, 35.0);
		g_EntityFuncs.EjectBrass( brassOrigin, brassDir, 0.0f, iShellModelIndex, TE_BOUNCE_SHELL );

	void Reload()
		self.DefaultReload( MP5_MAX_CLIP, MP5_RELOAD, 2.0, 0 );

		//Set 3rd person reloading animation -Sniper

string GetDCMP5KName()
	return "weapon_dcmp5k";

void RegisterDCMP5K()
	g_CustomEntityFuncs.RegisterCustomEntity( "weapon_dcmp5k", GetDCMP5KName() );
	g_ItemRegistry.RegisterWeapon( GetDCMP5KName(), "AoMDC", "556" );